Hemangioma of Skin

Undoubtedly, skin problems are always shaping an irritating issue for anyone, especially for women, the huge importance an fame cosmetic and plastic surgeries are taking every day could be a great evidence on how irritating are skin problems for women. Paying attention to skin problems is almost doubled or tripled when it comes permanent skin problems that are usually hard to be treated or take some time, one of these is hemangioma of skin.


What is hemangioma of skin ?

Hemangioma of skin is an irregular form of growth for some blood vessels, either on the surface of skin or under skin, hemangioma of skin is having different shapes, and can grow at anybody area, but it is more likely to appear in the face, next, back, and ears.

Shape of hemangioma of skin

Hemangioma of skin could look like a red spot, sometimes it is not only appearing on skin, but sometimes they have roots deeper under the skin surface.

Reason behind hemangioma of skin:

Science and scientists are incapable so far to know what could be the real reason behind the formation of such type of tumors or irregular tissue. One of the doubtful reasons is heritance, but also hemangioma could appear to anyone randomly without having any family history. Dermatologists found that hemangioma of skin is common in newborn infants that are having low weights, girls, and premature infants.

Diagnosis of hemangioma:

Dermatologists can easily diagnose hemangioma from just looking at it, without the need of any additional examinations, but sometimes when hemangioma is having an irregular growth pattern, further examinations should take place in order to check to what extent this hemangioma could lead to complications.

Some examinations like; CT scans, Doppler, CT scan, or skin biopsy could be done by dermatologists to make sure that hemangioma is under control.

Treatment of hemangioma:

Usually, hemangioma has no specific treatment, it just shrink until disappearance, but if hemangioma is causing a real discomfort for its patient it could be removed through laser surgeries.

Amjad Medical and Fotona StarWalker Device:

As usual, Amjad medical is always introducing new solutions in the field of medical devices that are widely used in plastic surgeries and dermatology treatments, Amjad Medical is introducing StarWalker device that is widely used now in hemangioma of skin treatment. Fotona StarWalker is a laser device which having specific laser beam with certain wavelengths that is used in treating hemangioma in a very advanced way, without leaving any scars. That is why Amjad Medical devices are always being the first choice for all dermatology clinics in KSA and Gulf region.

For more information about Fotona Starwalker, please visit the link below:


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