Skin is a consistent organ, similar to a fine fabric enclosing significant resources. One little tear will have a major effect at its looks. Any burn, injury, or other damage; medical procedure for example, can result in that line that we call “a scar” and which is usually permanent. However, there’s always room for some mitigation, and thanks to laser; scar reduction laser treatment has been made doable.
Hence, scar reduction laser treatment aims not to eliminate a scar, but to mitigate its damages; making use of laser therapy to either remove the superficial layer of the skin or stimulate the making of new skin cells to replace damaged ones.
We’d first want to know the type of scars that might need scar reduction laser treatment; for there are various types of scars:
1- Keloid scars:
- Results from an aggressive healing process.
- Most common among dark skinned people.
2- Contracture scars:
- Results from burns.
- Affects muscles and sometimes nerves if goes deeper.
- Weakens your ability to move.
3- Hypertrophic scars: Red Keloids.
4- Acne scars:
- Proof of early acne.
- Vary in how deep they go.
If you got any of those, laser is the answer for you.
So how does laser treatment for scar reduction work?
A scar occurs when a scab falls off an injury spot when the injury’s deep enough. It has a different color from the body skin. Laser treatment for scar reduction uses centered light emissions to soften the skin and decrease the color difference. Color difference can be in form of redness, which comes from the blood vessels in the damaged tissue, laser treatment for scar reduction targets these vessels, eliminating that redness.
However, if you’re light sensitive or taking blood thinning drugs, you might not be the perfect candidate for laser scar reduction; a procedure of high heat energy and intensive focused light. If not, your doctor should recommend the best practice for you, which will be one of those:
1- Laser Resurfacing: Eliminates damaged surface skin cells.
2- Fractionated laser resurfacing: Stimulates production of collagen and renewal of skin cells
3- Non-ablative laser resurfacing: Uses infrared lasers.
Amjad Medical is now one of the preeminent companies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in providing dermatologists and skin care centers with the latest laser devices used in scar reduction laser treatment.
StarWalker is one of the main devices used in laser treatment of scar reduction, along with IntraCel; a device that uses fractional radio frequency to rejuvenate and smoothen skin, in addition to removing wrinkles.
For more information about Fotona Starwalker, please visit the link below: